[image]<01>../res/banner.png[/image] [bold]<01> Convert FAT to NTFS [/bold] [image]<02>../res/line.png[/image] [body]<02> NTFS supersedes the FAT file system as the preferred file system for Microsoft¡¯s Windows operating systems. NTFS has several improvements over FAT and HPFS (High Performance File System) such as improved support for metadata and the use of advanced data structures to improve performance, reliability, and disk space utilization, plus additional extensions such as security access control lists (ACL) and file system journaling. This feature converts FAT partition in good condition to NTFS partition. File system conversion steps: 1. Select a [/body][smallbold]FAT12/16/32[/smallbold][body] partition 2. Click [/body][smallbold]Partitions[/smallbold][body] > [/body][smallbold]Convert to NTFS[/smallbold][body] 3. The pop-up dialog box will show the original and target file system, click OK to go. You may also do it by right click the mouse. [/body][image]../res/tip.png[/image][smallbold]Tips: [/smallbold] [image]../res/mark.png[/image][body] Partition conversion can only be realized under Windows while this feature is unavailable with Linux OS. [/body][image]../res/mark.png[/image][body] Source file system must be FAT12, FAT16 or FAT32 and the partition is unhidden. [/body][image]../res/mark.png[/image][body] Make sure 3% free space at least on partitions. [/body][image]../res/mark.png[/image][body] Conversion would fail if there is an error on the partition. [/body][smallbold]Reasons and Solutions[/smallbold][body]: 1. Scant free space. Remove some files to make free space and try again. 2. Error partition. Use Windows built-in Chkdsk.exe/F to repair. If failed again, the partition might have severe error and the conversion could not be completed. [/body]