[image]<01>../res/banner.png[/image] [bold]<01> Convert basic disk to dynamic [/bold] [image]<02>../res/line.png[/image] [body]<02> A dynamic disk contains different kind of dynamic volumes, such as simple volumes, spanned volumes, striped volumes, mirrored volumes, and RAID-5 volumes. With dynamic storage, you can perform disk and volume management without the need to restart Windows. So if you want to use dynamic disk, the covert basic disk to dynamic disk is right for you. To convert basic disk to dynamic: 1. Select the basic disk. 2. Right-click the disk and select [/body][smallbold]Convert to dynamic disk[/smallbold][body], or select in the main menu [/body][smallbold]Disk/smallbold][body] > [/body][smallbold]Convert to dynamic disk[/smallbold][body]. You will add a pending operation of converting basic disk to dynamic disk. [/body][image]../res/tip.png[/image][smallbold]Tips: [/smallbold] [image]../res/mark.png[/image][body] We recommend you back up the disk before any operation! Particularly, if you are using Windows 7 or Window server 2008 operating system, we suggest you back up your system disk at first. [/body]