[image]<01>../res/banner.png[/image] [bold]<01> Create partition [/bold] [image]<02>../res/line.png[/image] [body]<02> To Create Partitions: If there is some unallocated space on the disk, you can create a partition by manual disk operations. Select the unallocated space, the Create partition will be available on the toolbar, the [/body][smallbold]Create Partition[/smallbold][body] operation on the sidebar, and [/body][smallbold]Create partition[/smallbold][body] on the Operation menu. In the Create Partition window, enter a partition label, select a drive letter, cluster size, partition size, partition type (Primary-Logical) and file system from the list. Regularly, if the partition is used for containing an operating system, Primary should be selected for it. Or if the partition is meant for data storage, then Logical should be selected. Click [/body][smallbold]OK[/smallbold][body], you will add the pending operation of new partition operation. [/body]