[image]<01>../res/banner.png[/image] [bold]<01> General [/bold] [image]<02>../res/line.png[/image] [body]<02> There are some basic operations under this menu. You can use it to execute or cancel the pending operations. You can also click the symbols in the toolbar to execute the operations. [/body][image]../res/General.png[/image][body] [/body][image]../res/mark.png[/image][smallbold] Apply changes[/smallbold][body] Execute all of the pending operations. You can view the list of pending changes before you apply them by clicking [/body][smallbold]View[/smallbold][body] > [/body][smallbold]Pending operations[/smallbold][body]. [/body][image]../res/mark.png[/image][smallbold] Undo last change[/smallbold][body] Cancel the last change from the pending operations. [/body][image]../res/mark.png[/image][smallbold] Redo last change[/smallbold][body] Relist the original changes which are canceled by clicking "[/body][smallbold]Undo last change[/smallbold][body]" in pending operations. [/body][image]../res/mark.png[/image][smallbold] Set password[/smallbold][body] You should always aware of possible unauthorized access to your data. To protect your hard disk, partitions, application and data, [/body][smallbold]EaseUS Partition Master[/smallbold][body] provides password protection in Windows especially. If you need to protect your [/body][smallbold]EaseUS Partition Master[/smallbold][body] with a password. [/body][image]../res/mark.png[/image][smallbold] Exit[/smallbold][body] To exit EaseUS Partition Master. [/body][image]../res/tip.png[/image][smallbold]Tips: [/smallbold] [image]../res/mark.png[/image][body] If you forget the password, please contact our Technical Support. [/body][image]../res/mark.png[/image][body] When you exit EaseUS Partition Master, you may be prompted to apply or discard any pending changes to your system. [/body]