Partition recovery wizard

Partition Recovery Wizard is an easy-to-use tool, with which you can recover volumes from the unallocated space on a basic MBR/GPT disk that were accidentally deleted or damaged due a hardware or software failure.

The Partition Recovery Wizard first attempts to recover volumes to the original pattern, i.e. logical volumes will be recovered as logical and primary as primary respectively. If the primary volume could not be recovered, on the contrary, it would be recovered to logical drive. Also, if the logical volume cannot be recovered to the original pattern, it will be recovered as primary.

To run Partition Recovery Wizard

Select [/body][smallbold]Wizard[/smallbold][body] > [/body][smallbold]Partition recovery wizard[/smallbold][body] from the top menu.

[/body][image]../res/mark.png[/image][smallbold] Recovering volumes in automatic mode[/smallbold][body]
The automatic mode is easy to use and requires minimal effort. The program will try to find and recover all the deleted volumes on all basic disks.

1. In the Recovery mode window, choose Automatic.
2. In the Searching for Deleted Partitions window, Partition Recovery Wizard scans all the basic disks for deleted volumes. First, Partition Recovery Wizard checks your disks for unallocated space. If there is no unallocated space, you will be unable to move to the next step. If unallocated space is found, then the Partition Recovery Wizard starts searching for traces of deleted volumes. 

The Partition Recovery Wizard checks the beginning of each side of every cylinder of every disk for boot sectors. A boot sector is the first sector of a volume that contains information about this volume, even after its deletion. Once a deleted volume is found, it will be displayed in the volume list(You can double click the volume to explore the content to see whether it is the one you need to recover). The search will, however, continue until all the remaining disks are scanned. Then you can select volumes to recover. Only after the search is completed, the Next button becomes enabled, and you can proceed to the next window.

The program may find and display intersected volumes, you can choose either of them to recover, but only one of the intersected volumes can be recovered. 

If the search is completed without result, you will be asked to close the Partition Recovery Wizard. If so, you can try to perform the search using the [/body][smallbold]Complete[/smallbold][body] method in [/body][smallbold]Manual[/smallbold][body] mode.    
3. Click Next, the Recovered Volumes window displays the volumes to recover as a part of the hard disk volume structure.
4. Make sure that all the required volumes are properly placed in the hard disk structure, and then click Proceed to start recovering the volumes.

[/body][image]../res/mark.png[/image][smallbold] Recovering volumes in manual mode[/smallbold][body]
The manual recovery mode lets you take full advantage of the volume recovery. You will be able to specify the searching method, disks to search on, and volumes to recover.

1. In the Recovery mode window, choose [/body][smallbold]Manual[/smallbold][body].
2. In the Unallocated Space Selection window, select unallocated space on basic disks where the deleted volumes used to be located. You can select one of the unallocated spaces to search at a time.
3. In the Searching Method window, choose:
[/body][smallbold]Fast[/smallbold][body] ¨C (recommended) checks the beginning of each side of every cylinder of the selected disks. It takes less time, and should find all deleted volumes in most cases. If no volumes are found in this method, you will be asked to either perform the search using Complete method or to finish search and close the Partition Recovery Wizard.
[/body][smallbold]Complete[/smallbold][body] ¨C checks every sector on the selected disks for file system. It is more thorough and requires much more time to perform than the Fast method.
4. In the Searching for deleted volumes window, Partition Recovery Wizard scans all the selected unallocated space for deleted volumes. Once a deleted volume is found, it will be displayed in the volume list (You can double click the volume to explore the content to see whether it is the one you need to recover). The search will, however, continue until all the remaining selected unallocated space is scanned. If no volumes are found, you will be asked to close the Partition Recovery Wizard. 

The program can even find and display intersected volumes, that is, volumes that were created and deleted on the disk at different times. Moreover, every successive volume allocates space from the previously deleted volume, but not at the beginning of it. Only one of the intersected volumes can be recovered.

[/body][smallbold]Unlike the automatic recovery mode, you do not need to wait until the whole search is finished as the manual mode. As soon as a located volume or multiple volumes are added to the list, you can select them for immediate recovery. The Search window displays the volumes to recover as a part of the hard disk volume structure, marking them with an icon in the upper right corner of its rectangle. Make certain that all the selected volumes are properly placed in the hard disk structure. Selecting a volume changes its status to Undeleted and enables the Next button[/smallbold][body].
5. Click [/body][smallbold]Proceed[/smallbold][body] to start recovering the volumes.
