[image]<01>../res/banner.png[/image] [bold]<01> Repair RAID 5 dynamic volume [/bold] [image]<02>../res/line.png[/image] [body]<02> When the hard disk of RAID 5 dynamic volume goes wrong or if you want to replace the old hard disk with a larger one, you need to repair the RAID 5 volume. To repair RAID 5 dynamic volume: 1. Select a RAID 5 dynamic volume 2. Right-click the volume and select [/body][smallbold]Repair RAID-5 volume[/smallbold][body], or select in the main menu [/body][smallbold]Partitions[/smallbold][body] > [/body][smallbold]Repair RAID-5 volume[/smallbold][body]. 3. By clicking OK, you will add a pending operation of Repairing RAID-5 volume. [/body]