[image]<01>../res/banner.png[/image] [bold]<01> Resize basic partition [/bold] [image]<02>../res/line.png[/image] [body]<02> You may find that there is not enough free space on a certain partition. For example, maybe it is almost filled with MP3 files. [/body][smallbold]EaseUS Partition Master[/smallbold][body] lets you enlarge a partition easily. To resize/move a partition: 1. Select the hard disk and a partition to be resized. 2. Click [/body][smallbold]Partitions[/smallbold][body] > [/body][smallbold]Resize/Move partition[/smallbold][body]. 3. On a disk map, current size of the partition is displayed on the top of the dialog box. The map also depicts the used and unused space within the partition and the free space surrounding the partition (if any exists). The minimum and maximum sizes that you can resize a partition appear below the map. 4. Position the mouse pointer on the left or right partition handle. 5. The mouse pointer changes to a double-headed arrow. 6. Drag the dot to the partition size you want. And then click OK. [/body][image]../res/Resize basic partition.png[/image][body] [/body][image]../res/tip.png[/image][smallbold]Tips: [/smallbold] [image]../res/mark.png[/image][body] In step 6, you can also resize the partition by specifying new values in the Unallocated Space Before, Partition Size, and Unallocated Space After text boxes. The values you type may change slightly to values supported by your drive's geometry. [/body][image]../res/mark.png[/image][body] To make a partition smaller, the partition must contain unused space. To enlarge a partition, there must be free space adjacent to it. [/body][image]../res/mark.png[/image][body] If desired, click the Cluster Size drop-down list and select a new size or use the recommended cluster size that is already selected. This option is only active in FAT, FAT32, but inactive in NTFS. [/body][image]../res/mark.png[/image][body] EaseUS Partition Master automatically considers the limitations of file systems and parameters provided. In particular, it won't let you enlarge a FAT16 partition over the maximum 4GB value. [/body][image]../res/mark.png[/image][body] By clicking [/body][smallbold]OK[/smallbold][body] in the Resize Partition window, you'll create a pending operation for partition resizing and moving (your actions may only undo or modify an existing operation.) [/body][image]../res/mark.png[/image][body] Take special care when moving an operating system partition and its boot code location. The OS might stop booting. For example, Windows NT 4.0 and earlier versions limit boot code location to the first 2016MB. [/body][image]../res/mark.png[/image][body] After Moving/Resizing the partition with restore point, you may lose the restore point created by "System Restore" before. [/body][image]../res/mark.png[/image][body] For Windows 7, if the partition you want to Move/Resize has backup image files create by the backup utility built-in windows 7 (Control Panel - System and Security - Backup and Restore), after the operation, to restore image in the partition is available. However, if the partition is the backup location specified by the users through Control Panel - System and Security - Backup and Restore, the location will not be available and will show a red cross in Control Panel- System and Security - Backup and Restore. Reallocating the backup location is the solution for this issue. [/body]