[image]<01>../res/banner.png[/image] [bold]<01> Activate [/bold] [image]<02>../res/line.png[/image] [body]<02> 1.To activate [/body][smallbold]Free[/smallbold][body] to a paid edition, click [/body][smallbold]Upgrade[/smallbold][body] at the top-right corner. To activate [/body][smallbold]Trial[/smallbold][body] to a paid edition, click [/body][smallbold]Activate[/smallbold][body] at the top-right corner. 2.Input your serial number. We suggest you copying and pasting it in case you mistype it. 3.If you can't click [/body][smallbold]Activate[/smallbold][body] after inputting a serial number, please verify it¡¯s a correct number. 4.Every time you reinstall [/body][smallbold]EaseUS Partition Master[/smallbold][body], you need activate it. [/body][image]../res/activate free.png[/image][body] [/body][image]../res/activate trial.png[/image][body] [/body]