|3rdparty|External applications
|accounting|My account
|adaptcase?Enable/ disable standardization of titles and artists, e.g. changing "The Beatles" to "Beatles, The"
|adaptcase|Standardize titles
|addcontentdir|Add new content directory
|adddirectory|Add directory
|addlevel|Add level
|addnode|Add node
|adobepath?Full path to the Adobe Photoshop Album catalog file (.psa).
|adobepath|Adobe Photoshop Album
|advanceddefault|Advanced default navigation
|advancedsetup|Advanced Setup
|allname?Title of the - ALL - entry in the nodes of the navigation tree.
|allowedmaxmem|Maximum memory available for the server
|allpictures?Name for 'All Pictures' folder (server default used if left empty).
|allpictures|Все картинки
|alltracks?Name for 'All Tracks' folder (server default used if left empty). 
|alltracks|Все файлы
|allvideos?Name for 'All Videos' folder [server default used if left empty]. 
|allvideos|Все видео
|artistindex|Artist Index
|basicsetup|Basic Setup
|builddate|Server built date
|cachedir?The server caches transcoded songs and scaled pictures to enable faster access to frequently used items. The directory where these items are stored can be set by means of this option.
|cachedir|Cache directory
|cachemaxsize?This is the maximum size of the cache in KB. If there is more space needed the oldest not used file from the cache is deleted first. If en empty string is specified, the cache size is not limited.
|cachemaxsize|Maximum cache size
|clearlog|Clear logs
|compilationsdir?Comma separated list of directories (or substrings) which shall be handled as music compilations
|compilationsdir|Compilation directories
|configlocation|Configuration file at
|configrightclick|Open configuration page
|contentdir|Content Locations
|daysleftAlert?Days left to evaluate the trial version: 
|dbdir?Directory where the database and cache shall be stored
|dbdir|MediaServer database directory
|enablelocalssdp|Enable local SSDP announcements for clients which can not locate their LAN IP (e.g. M740)
|enableweb?The access to the server configuration through the web can be limited by means of this option to the local browser. Please note that for NAS you need public access!
|enableweb|Web access
|folderprefix?Folder prefix string to be prefixed to all folder names in folder navigation to help you differentiate folders from content items at the client device.
|folderprefix|Folder prefix string
|followlinks?With this option you can allow the file scanner to follow symbolic links (UNIX/Linux only).
|followlinks|Follow links
|friendlyname?Name of the media server as displayed by client devices. By means of the macro %HOSTNAME% you can add the actual host name, e.g. SamsungMobile Server (%HOSTNAME%).
|friendlyname|Server name
|genreindex|Genre Index
|getlog|View log file
|httpport?Set to port number of http server, set to 0 for dynamical port allocation (default port is 9000).
|httpport|HTTP server port
|ignoredir?Comma separated list of directories which shall be ignored during content scans (substring match).
|ignoredir|Ignore directories
|internetradio|Internet Radio
|ip?This option should only be used, if DHCP is NOT in use! If an IP address is specified the server will not automatically bind to all network interfaces, but just to the specified ones. Please note, if this address is invalid the server will not start anymore!
|ip|IP address of the server
|ituneslib?Full path to the iTunes library file.
|ituneslib|iTunes library file
|language?Language in which configuration pages and the navigation tree on the client side will be presented.
|licensedate|License valid til
|licensedays|Days left
|licenseinfo|License information
|licenseinkey|License key
|localweb|Local access to web configuration pages
|loglevel?Specify the kind of information to log for debugging purposes. If you click the button "view log file", the content of the current log file will be presented in a separate browser window.
|loglevel|Log level
|mantis|Mantis issue tracker
|manualregistration|Manual registration
|maxmemexceeded|The maximum available memory is exceeded. Not all content can be served!
|mediabrowser|Media Browser
|mediabrowswer|Media Browser
|memoryusage|Memory Usage
|memoryusedbystringpool|Memory used by string pool
|memoryusedfor|Memory used for
|musicclient?Comma separated list of IP addresses of music-only client devices. These clients will only be provided with music content in the navigation tree.
|musicclient|Music-only client
|musicnode10|Music node 10 
|musicnode1|Music node 1 
|musicnode2|Music node 2 
|musicnode3|Music node 3 
|musicnode4|Music node 4 
|musicnode5|Music node 5 
|musicnode6|Music node 6
|musicnode7|Music node 7
|musicnode8|Music node 8
|musicnode9|Music node 9
|musicnode?An individual music navigation tree with up to 10 nodes may be specified by this option. For each node the name to be presented in the navigation tree and the node type have to be specified. In addition an alpha sub-grouping may be introduced by specifying the number of characters per group.
|musicnode|Music node
|musictracks|Music tracks
|musictree|Music tree
|nasonly|NAS only
|navigation|Navigation Tree
|netgear115client?This list of comma separated IP addresses is used to identify Netgear MP115 clients if automatic detection does not work mainly to enable DivX video.
|netgear115client|Netgear MP115
|netgearrtp?Enable Netgear RTP to the more stable RTP streaming for Netgear MP101 clients. This option is only available on Linux/UNIX.
|netgearrtp|Netgear RTP
|networkinterface|The network interface's name list (csv)
|networkinterfaces|Network Interfaces
|nicchecktime|Network interfact checking time(sec)
|nicrestart?Enable/ disable dynamic restart of the server on any NIC change. Note that server restart will result in stream interruption!
|nicrestart|Restart on NIC changes
|norescale?With this option picture rescaling can be suppressed. This option is mainly needed for NAS devices with low CPU and memory.
|norescale|Disable picture rescaling
|nosearch?With this option server-side search support can be suppressed. If search is enabled ROKU clients will provide their own navigation structure and ignore the one provided by the server.
|nosearch|Disable search for ROKU clients
|noxonclient?This list of comma separated IP addresses is used to identify Noxon clients if automatic detection does not work.
|picturenode1|Picture node 1
|picturenode2|Picture node 2
|picturenode3|picture node 3
|picturenode4|Picture node 4
|picturenode5|Picture node 5
|picturenode?An individual picture navigation tree with up to 5 nodes may be specified by this option. For each node the name to be presented in the navigation tree and the node type have to be specified. 
|picturenode|Picture node
|picturetree|Picture tree
|playlistlastplayed?Name of the auto generated playlist 'last played', leave empty if this playlist should not be added to the navigation tree.
|playlistlastplayed|Последнее воспроизведение
|playlistmostplayed?Name of the auto-generated playlist 'most played', leave empty if this playlist should not be added to the navigation tree.
|playlistmostplayed|Наиболее воспроизвидимые
|playlistnumentries?Maximum number of entries for auto generated playlists, 0 to disable auto generated playlists.
|playlistnumentries|Number of entries for auto generated playlists
|playlists?Name of the playlists node in the navigation tree, leave empty if this node shall not be included in the navigation tree.
|publicweb|Public access to web configuration pages
|quickstartup|First steps
|radio?Enable/ disable Shoutcast and/or vTuner Internet radio.
|radiochannels|Radio Channels
|radiogenre?Shoutcast radio genres which shall be added to the station list. 
|radiogenre|Shoutcast genre filter
|radiorecorddir?Set this option to the directory where recorded mp3 files are to be stored
|radiorecorddir|Path to the recording directory
|radiorecordstationfile?Specify a .m3u playlist which includes the station names to be recorded
|radiorecordstationfile|Radio record stations file (.m3u)
|radioreread?Rescan time for Shoutcast radio stations in minutes, defaults to 60
|radioreread|Shoutcast reread time
|radio|Internet Radio
|randomizeplaylists?If this option is enabled the server will randomize .m3u files on startup. This option should only be used if client devices do not directly support shuffle mode.
|randomizeplaylists|Randomize playlists
|rebuiltalert|Database is rebuilt from scratch. Depending on the amount of content, this might take a while.
|rebuiltdb|Rebuild database
|recordchannels|Record Channels
|recordingschedule|Recording Schedule
|registeredaccount?The Server is registered.
|registeredfor?Registered for
|rescanalert|Rescan of content directories in progress.
|rescandirs|Rescan content directories
|rescanrightclick|Rescan content directories
|resetalert|All configuration options are now reset to default including language and navigation tree!
|resetdefaults|Reset to defaults
|resettodefaults|Reset to default options
|reset|Reset to defaults
|restartalert|The server is restarting. This might take a few seconds.
|restartpending|Server restart pending
|restartrequired|Please note that some of the applied changes will only become effective after a server restarts!
|restartserver|Restart server
|reusedstringpools|Re-used String Pool Entries
|rootmusic?Name for Music root folder, leave empty to suppress this folder.
|rootpicture?Name for Pictures root folder, leave empty to suppress this folder.
|rootvideo?Name for Video root folder, leave empty to suppress this folder.
|rtpport?Set to port number of RTP server, set to 0 for dynamical port allocation (for Netgear MP101 only)
|rtpport|RTP server port
|savechanges|Save Changes
|scaninfo|Scan info
|scantime?This option specifies the rescan behavior of the server. If set to 0, automatic rescans are disabled. A positive value specifies the period between rescans of content directories in minutes. -1 enables the server to watch content directories automatically for new content without the need for rescans. 
|scantime|Rescan in minutes
|servedcontentitems|Served content items
|serverkind|Server type
|serverplatform|Server platform
|setlog|Set log level
|shoutcast|Shoutcast node
|simpledefault|Simple default navigation
|status|Server status
|stopserver|Terminate server
|streambuffer?Buffer size in bytes which is used for streaming. Change this only if you experience video streaming problems. Value should be between 16000 and 128000.
|streambuffer|Streaming Buffer Size
|stringpoolentries|String Pool Entries
|tagspicture?Name for 'Tags' folder e.g. from import of Adobe Photoshop Album Tags
|tagspicture|- Tags -
|terminaterightclick|Terminate Server
|totalmemoryused|Total memory used
|treebuilder|Tree builder
|treecustomisation|Tree customization
|trialinfo?Trial period
|uptime|Server uptime
|usedmem|Used memory
|userkey|Generated license key
|usermanual|User Manual
|username|User name
|videonode1|Video node 1
|videonode2|Video node 2
|videonode3|Video node 3
|videonode4|Video node 4
|videonode5|Video node 5
|videonode?An individual video navigation tree with up to 5 nodes may be specified by means of this option. For each node the name to be presented in the navigation tree as well as the node type have to be specified. 
|videonode|Video node
|videostreaming|Video streaming
|videotree|Video tree
|winamp?Full path to the directory where Winamp is installed.
|winamp|Winamp install directory

|allstations|All Stations
|contentdir?Directories where the server shall scan for content. Each directory can be limited to a certain content type. The default setting will scan for all content types. Sharing can be temporarily disabled  by unchecking the directory.
|dbupdate|Last database update
|webaccess?Set a user name and a password to restrict access to these configuration pages. Leave both entries empty for unrestricted access.
|clientautoenable|Enable sharing for new clients automatically
|treetype|Navigation Tree Setup
|treetype?There is the choice of selecting different pre-configured navigation trees or defining a customized tree structure. For small content libraries the simple navigation tree is sufficient. For large content libraries the advanced navigation tree provides a better structured tree which allows faster access to individual items. A customized navigation tree can be defined through the advanced setup. 
|shop|Online Shop
|accessdenied|Access denied
|rating|Personal rating
|clientdetection?Lists of clients which have contacted the server. For each client, the access to the server can be restricted. Automatic client detection does not always work. In this case the server simply assigns "Generic DLNA client" and no client adaptation will take place. Clients which are not identified correctly can however be adapted manually by means of the drop down menu above. To delete a client entry, please set it to -/-. 
|firstSteps|First Steps
|resetclients|Reset client table
|radiostations|Radio stations
|maxlicense?You have already registered the maximum number of allowed server instances. You will need to release a server.
|defaultaccount?Please enter the user name and password which you received from our online shop to activate the server.
|licenseinkey2?Please, enter the license key - as generated at the member site - below:<br>