[12/15/13,21:48:52] =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= [12/15/13,21:48:52] !Begin DepCheck Data session : VSCompsToInstall() [12/15/13,21:48:52] !!DataFile Summary [12/15/13,21:48:52] Component Data File: d:\e8700c60ff64faf1f2\baseline.dat [12/15/13,21:48:52] Dependency File: d:\e8700c60ff64faf1f2\vs_setup.pdi [12/15/13,21:48:52] Product to install: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 [12/15/13,21:48:52] Component Set: 64 [12/15/13,21:48:52] [12/15/13,21:48:52] !!Component Version Summary [12/15/13,21:48:52] Windows XP Service Pack 2 Update Information [12/15/13,21:48:52] Windows 2003 Server Service Pack 1 Update Information [12/15/13,21:48:52] Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1 [12/15/13,21:48:52] Windows Installer Patch Registration Fix for .NET Framework 3.5 (x86) [12/15/13,21:48:52] Windows Installer Patch Registration Fix for .NET Framework 3.5 (x64) [12/15/13,21:48:52] Windows Installer Patch Registration Fix for .NET Framework 3.5 (IA64) [12/15/13,21:48:52] RGB Rast [12/15/13,21:48:52] RGB Rast x64 [12/15/13,21:48:52] MSXML 6.0 Parser [12/15/13,21:48:52] MSXML 6.0 Parser x64 [12/15/13,21:48:52] WIC Installer [12/15/13,21:48:52] WIC x64 Installer [12/15/13,21:48:52] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0a [12/15/13,21:48:52] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0a x64 [12/15/13,21:48:52] XPSEPSC Installer [12/15/13,21:48:52] XPSEPSC x64 Installer [12/15/13,21:48:52] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SP2 x86 [12/15/13,21:48:52] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SP2 x64 [12/15/13,21:48:52] Optional Component 'Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0' [12/15/13,21:48:52] Optional Component 'Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0 (x64)' [12/15/13,21:48:52] Optional Component 'Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0 (ia64)' [12/15/13,21:48:52] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0SP1 (CBS) [12/15/13,21:48:52] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0SP1 (x64) (CBS) [12/15/13,21:48:52] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0SP1 (CBS) [12/15/13,21:48:52] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0SP1 (x64) (CBS) [12/15/13,21:48:52] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 (ia64) (CBS) [12/15/13,21:48:52] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 (ia64) (CBS) [12/15/13,21:48:52] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 'package' [12/15/13,21:48:52] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (x64) 'package' [12/15/13,21:48:52] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (ia64) 'package' [12/15/13,21:48:52] .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Package [12/15/13,21:48:52] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 English Standalone Language Pack (CBS) [12/15/13,21:48:52] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 English Standalone Language Pack (CBS) [12/15/13,21:48:52] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 English Standalone Language Pack x64 (CBS) [12/15/13,21:48:52] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 English Standalone Language Pack x64 (CBS) [12/15/13,21:48:52] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - CHS [12/15/13,21:48:52] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:52] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\2052; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:48:52] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:48:52] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:48:52] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - CHT [12/15/13,21:48:52] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:52] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1028; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:48:52] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:48:52] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:48:52] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - DEU [12/15/13,21:48:52] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:52] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1031; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:48:52] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:48:52] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:48:52] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ESN [12/15/13,21:48:52] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:52] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\3082; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:48:52] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:48:52] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:48:52] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - FRA [12/15/13,21:48:52] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:52] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1036; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:48:52] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:48:52] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:48:52] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ITA [12/15/13,21:48:52] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:52] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1040; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:48:52] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:48:52] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:48:52] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ??? [12/15/13,21:48:52] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:52] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1041; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:48:52] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:48:52] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:48:52] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - KOR [12/15/13,21:48:52] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:52] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1042; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:48:52] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:48:52] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:48:52] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ARA [12/15/13,21:48:52] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:52] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1025; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:48:52] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:48:52] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:48:52] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - CSY [12/15/13,21:48:52] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:52] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1029; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:48:52] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:48:52] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:48:52] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - DAN [12/15/13,21:48:52] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:52] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1030; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:48:52] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:48:52] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:48:52] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ELL [12/15/13,21:48:52] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:52] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1032; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:48:52] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:48:52] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:48:52] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - FIN [12/15/13,21:48:52] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:52] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1035; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:48:52] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:48:52] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:48:52] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - HEB [12/15/13,21:48:52] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:52] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1037; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:48:52] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:48:52] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:48:52] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - HUN [12/15/13,21:48:52] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:52] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1038; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:48:52] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:48:52] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:48:52] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - NLD [12/15/13,21:48:52] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:52] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1043; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:48:52] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:48:52] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:48:52] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - NOR [12/15/13,21:48:52] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:52] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1044; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:48:52] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:48:52] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:48:52] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - PLK [12/15/13,21:48:52] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:52] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1045; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:48:52] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:48:52] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:48:52] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - PTB [12/15/13,21:48:52] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:52] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1046; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:48:52] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:48:52] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:48:52] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - RUS [12/15/13,21:48:52] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:52] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1049; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:48:52] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:48:52] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:48:52] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - SVE [12/15/13,21:48:52] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:52] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1053; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:48:52] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:48:52] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:48:52] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - TRK [12/15/13,21:48:52] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:52] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1055; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:48:52] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:48:52] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:48:52] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - PTG [12/15/13,21:48:53] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\2070; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:48:53] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - CHS [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - CHT [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - DEU [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ESN [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - FRA [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ITA [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP (x64) - ??? [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - KOR [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ARA [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - CSY [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - DAN [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ELL [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - FIN [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - HEB [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - HUN [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - NLD [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - NOR [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - PLK [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - PTB [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - RUS [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - SVE [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - TRK [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - PTG [12/15/13,21:48:53] [12/15/13,21:48:53] !!Installation Summary [12/15/13,21:48:53] !!!TailorListForSetup() [12/15/13,21:48:53] Windows XP Service Pack 2 Update Information == [12/15/13,21:48:53] This component uses the RegDwordCheck version check method. It will compare a DWORD against registry data on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Windows; Value: CSDVersion. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Version on user's machine: 768. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Version to be installed: 512. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Windows XP Service Pack 2 Update Information == Component to be removed from installation list because a later version is on the machine. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Windows 2003 Server Service Pack 1 Update Information == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1 == [12/15/13,21:48:53] This component uses the FileVersionCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a file on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:53] The file to be verified is C:\WINDOWS\system32\msi.dll. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Version on user's machine: 3.1.4001.5512 [12/15/13,21:48:53] Version to be installed: 3.1.4000.2435 [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1 == Component to be removed from installation list because a later version is on the machine. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Windows Installer Patch Registration Fix for .NET Framework 3.5 (x86) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Windows Installer Patch Registration Fix for .NET Framework 3.5 (x64) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Windows Installer Patch Registration Fix for .NET Framework 3.5 (IA64) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] RGB Rast == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] RGB Rast x64 == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] MSXML 6.0 Parser == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] MSXML 6.0 Parser x64 == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] WIC Installer == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] WIC x64 Installer == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0a == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0a x64 == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] XPSEPSC Installer == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] XPSEPSC x64 Installer == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SP2 x86 == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SP2 x64 == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Optional Component 'Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0' == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Optional Component 'Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0 (x64)' == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Optional Component 'Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0 (ia64)' == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0SP1 (CBS) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0SP1 (x64) (CBS) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0SP1 (CBS) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0SP1 (x64) (CBS) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 (ia64) (CBS) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 (ia64) (CBS) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 'package' == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (x64) 'package' == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (ia64) 'package' == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Package == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 English Standalone Language Pack (CBS) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 English Standalone Language Pack (CBS) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 English Standalone Language Pack x64 (CBS) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 English Standalone Language Pack x64 (CBS) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - CHS == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - CHT == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - DEU == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ESN == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - FRA == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ITA == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ??? == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - KOR == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ARA == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - CSY == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - DAN == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ELL == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - FIN == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - HEB == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - HUN == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - NLD == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - NOR == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - PLK == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - PTB == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - RUS == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - SVE == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - TRK == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - PTG == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - CHS == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - CHT == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - DEU == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ESN == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - FRA == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ITA == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP (x64) - ??? == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - KOR == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ARA == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - CSY == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - DAN == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ELL == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - FIN == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - HEB == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - HUN == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - NLD == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - NOR == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - PLK == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - PTB == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - RUS == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - SVE == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - TRK == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - PTG == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:53] [12/15/13,21:48:53] !!!Components to be installed: [12/15/13,21:48:53] [12/15/13,21:48:53] End DepCheck Data session [12/15/13,21:48:53] =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= [12/15/13,21:48:53] !Begin DepCheck Data session : VSCompsToInstall() [12/15/13,21:48:53] !!DataFile Summary [12/15/13,21:48:53] Component Data File: d:\e8700c60ff64faf1f2\baseline.dat [12/15/13,21:48:53] Dependency File: d:\e8700c60ff64faf1f2\vs_setup.pdi [12/15/13,21:48:53] Product to install: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 [12/15/13,21:48:53] Component Set: 64 [12/15/13,21:48:53] [12/15/13,21:48:53] !!Component Version Summary [12/15/13,21:48:53] Windows XP Service Pack 2 Update Information [12/15/13,21:48:53] Windows 2003 Server Service Pack 1 Update Information [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1 [12/15/13,21:48:53] Windows Installer Patch Registration Fix for .NET Framework 3.5 (x86) [12/15/13,21:48:53] Windows Installer Patch Registration Fix for .NET Framework 3.5 (x64) [12/15/13,21:48:53] Windows Installer Patch Registration Fix for .NET Framework 3.5 (IA64) [12/15/13,21:48:53] RGB Rast [12/15/13,21:48:53] RGB Rast x64 [12/15/13,21:48:53] MSXML 6.0 Parser [12/15/13,21:48:53] MSXML 6.0 Parser x64 [12/15/13,21:48:53] WIC Installer [12/15/13,21:48:53] WIC x64 Installer [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0a [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0a x64 [12/15/13,21:48:53] XPSEPSC Installer [12/15/13,21:48:53] XPSEPSC x64 Installer [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SP2 x86 [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SP2 x64 [12/15/13,21:48:53] Optional Component 'Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0' [12/15/13,21:48:53] Optional Component 'Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0 (x64)' [12/15/13,21:48:53] Optional Component 'Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0 (ia64)' [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0SP1 (CBS) [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0SP1 (x64) (CBS) [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0SP1 (CBS) [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0SP1 (x64) (CBS) [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 (ia64) (CBS) [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 (ia64) (CBS) [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 'package' [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (x64) 'package' [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (ia64) 'package' [12/15/13,21:48:53] .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Package [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 English Standalone Language Pack (CBS) [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 English Standalone Language Pack (CBS) [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 English Standalone Language Pack x64 (CBS) [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 English Standalone Language Pack x64 (CBS) [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - CHS [12/15/13,21:48:53] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\2052; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:48:53] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - CHT [12/15/13,21:48:53] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1028; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:48:53] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - DEU [12/15/13,21:48:53] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1031; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:48:53] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ESN [12/15/13,21:48:53] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\3082; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:48:53] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - FRA [12/15/13,21:48:53] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1036; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:48:53] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ITA [12/15/13,21:48:53] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1040; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:48:53] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:48:53] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ??? [12/15/13,21:48:53] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1041; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:48:53] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:48:53] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - KOR [12/15/13,21:48:54] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1042; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:48:54] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ARA [12/15/13,21:48:54] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1025; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:48:54] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - CSY [12/15/13,21:48:54] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1029; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:48:54] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - DAN [12/15/13,21:48:54] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1030; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:48:54] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ELL [12/15/13,21:48:54] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1032; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:48:54] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - FIN [12/15/13,21:48:54] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1035; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:48:54] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - HEB [12/15/13,21:48:54] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1037; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:48:54] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - HUN [12/15/13,21:48:54] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1038; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:48:54] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - NLD [12/15/13,21:48:54] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1043; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:48:54] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - NOR [12/15/13,21:48:54] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1044; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:48:54] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - PLK [12/15/13,21:48:54] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1045; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:48:54] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - PTB [12/15/13,21:48:54] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1046; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:48:54] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - RUS [12/15/13,21:48:54] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1049; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:48:54] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - SVE [12/15/13,21:48:54] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1053; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:48:54] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - TRK [12/15/13,21:48:54] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1055; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:48:54] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - PTG [12/15/13,21:48:54] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\2070; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:48:54] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - CHS [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - CHT [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - DEU [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ESN [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - FRA [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ITA [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP (x64) - ??? [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - KOR [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ARA [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - CSY [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - DAN [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ELL [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - FIN [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - HEB [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - HUN [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - NLD [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - NOR [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - PLK [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - PTB [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - RUS [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - SVE [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - TRK [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - PTG [12/15/13,21:48:54] [12/15/13,21:48:54] !!Installation Summary [12/15/13,21:48:54] !!!TailorListForSetup() [12/15/13,21:48:54] Windows XP Service Pack 2 Update Information == [12/15/13,21:48:54] This component uses the RegDwordCheck version check method. It will compare a DWORD against registry data on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Windows; Value: CSDVersion. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Version on user's machine: 768. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Version to be installed: 512. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Windows XP Service Pack 2 Update Information == Component to be removed from installation list because a later version is on the machine. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Windows 2003 Server Service Pack 1 Update Information == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1 == [12/15/13,21:48:54] This component uses the FileVersionCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a file on your machine. [12/15/13,21:48:54] The file to be verified is C:\WINDOWS\system32\msi.dll. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Version on user's machine: 3.1.4001.5512 [12/15/13,21:48:54] Version to be installed: 3.1.4000.2435 [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1 == Component to be removed from installation list because a later version is on the machine. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Windows Installer Patch Registration Fix for .NET Framework 3.5 (x86) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Windows Installer Patch Registration Fix for .NET Framework 3.5 (x64) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Windows Installer Patch Registration Fix for .NET Framework 3.5 (IA64) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] RGB Rast == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] RGB Rast x64 == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] MSXML 6.0 Parser == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] MSXML 6.0 Parser x64 == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] WIC Installer == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] WIC x64 Installer == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0a == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0a x64 == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] XPSEPSC Installer == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] XPSEPSC x64 Installer == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SP2 x86 == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SP2 x64 == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Optional Component 'Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0' == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Optional Component 'Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0 (x64)' == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Optional Component 'Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0 (ia64)' == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0SP1 (CBS) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0SP1 (x64) (CBS) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0SP1 (CBS) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0SP1 (x64) (CBS) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 (ia64) (CBS) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 (ia64) (CBS) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 'package' == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (x64) 'package' == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (ia64) 'package' == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Package == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 English Standalone Language Pack (CBS) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 English Standalone Language Pack (CBS) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 English Standalone Language Pack x64 (CBS) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 English Standalone Language Pack x64 (CBS) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - CHS == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - CHT == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - DEU == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ESN == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - FRA == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ITA == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ??? == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - KOR == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ARA == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - CSY == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - DAN == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ELL == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - FIN == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - HEB == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - HUN == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - NLD == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - NOR == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - PLK == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - PTB == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - RUS == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - SVE == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - TRK == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - PTG == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - CHS == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - CHT == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - DEU == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ESN == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - FRA == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ITA == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP (x64) - ??? == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - KOR == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ARA == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - CSY == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - DAN == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ELL == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - FIN == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - HEB == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - HUN == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - NLD == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - NOR == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - PLK == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - PTB == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - RUS == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - SVE == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - TRK == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - PTG == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:48:54] [12/15/13,21:48:54] !!!Components to be installed: [12/15/13,21:48:54] [12/15/13,21:48:54] End DepCheck Data session [12/15/13,21:49:18] =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= [12/15/13,21:49:18] !Begin DepCheck Data session : VSCompsToInstall() [12/15/13,21:49:18] !!DataFile Summary [12/15/13,21:49:18] Component Data File: d:\e8700c60ff64faf1f2\baseline.dat [12/15/13,21:49:18] Dependency File: d:\e8700c60ff64faf1f2\vs_setup.pdi [12/15/13,21:49:18] Product to install: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 [12/15/13,21:49:18] Component Set: 64 [12/15/13,21:49:18] [12/15/13,21:49:18] !!Component Version Summary [12/15/13,21:49:18] Windows XP Service Pack 2 Update Information [12/15/13,21:49:18] Windows 2003 Server Service Pack 1 Update Information [12/15/13,21:49:18] Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1 [12/15/13,21:49:18] Windows Installer Patch Registration Fix for .NET Framework 3.5 (x86) [12/15/13,21:49:18] Windows Installer Patch Registration Fix for .NET Framework 3.5 (x64) [12/15/13,21:49:18] Windows Installer Patch Registration Fix for .NET Framework 3.5 (IA64) [12/15/13,21:49:18] RGB Rast [12/15/13,21:49:18] RGB Rast x64 [12/15/13,21:49:18] MSXML 6.0 Parser [12/15/13,21:49:18] MSXML 6.0 Parser x64 [12/15/13,21:49:18] WIC Installer [12/15/13,21:49:18] WIC x64 Installer [12/15/13,21:49:18] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0a [12/15/13,21:49:18] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0a x64 [12/15/13,21:49:18] XPSEPSC Installer [12/15/13,21:49:18] XPSEPSC x64 Installer [12/15/13,21:49:18] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SP2 x86 [12/15/13,21:49:18] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SP2 x64 [12/15/13,21:49:18] Optional Component 'Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0' [12/15/13,21:49:18] Optional Component 'Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0 (x64)' [12/15/13,21:49:18] Optional Component 'Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0 (ia64)' [12/15/13,21:49:18] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0SP1 (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:18] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0SP1 (x64) (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:18] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0SP1 (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:18] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0SP1 (x64) (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:18] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 (ia64) (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:18] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 (ia64) (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:18] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 'package' [12/15/13,21:49:18] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (x64) 'package' [12/15/13,21:49:18] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (ia64) 'package' [12/15/13,21:49:18] .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Package [12/15/13,21:49:18] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 English Standalone Language Pack (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:18] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 English Standalone Language Pack (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:18] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 English Standalone Language Pack x64 (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:18] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 English Standalone Language Pack x64 (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:18] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - CHS [12/15/13,21:49:18] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:18] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\2052; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:18] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:18] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:18] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - CHT [12/15/13,21:49:18] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:18] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1028; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:18] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:18] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:18] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - DEU [12/15/13,21:49:18] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:18] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1031; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:18] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:18] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:18] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ESN [12/15/13,21:49:18] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:18] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\3082; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:18] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:18] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:18] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - FRA [12/15/13,21:49:18] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:18] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1036; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:18] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:18] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:18] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ITA [12/15/13,21:49:18] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:18] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1040; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:18] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:18] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:18] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ??? [12/15/13,21:49:19] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1041; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:19] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - KOR [12/15/13,21:49:19] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1042; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:19] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ARA [12/15/13,21:49:19] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1025; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:19] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - CSY [12/15/13,21:49:19] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1029; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:19] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - DAN [12/15/13,21:49:19] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1030; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:19] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ELL [12/15/13,21:49:19] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1032; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:19] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - FIN [12/15/13,21:49:19] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1035; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:19] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - HEB [12/15/13,21:49:19] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1037; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:19] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - HUN [12/15/13,21:49:19] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1038; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:19] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - NLD [12/15/13,21:49:19] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1043; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:19] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - NOR [12/15/13,21:49:19] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1044; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:19] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - PLK [12/15/13,21:49:19] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1045; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:19] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - PTB [12/15/13,21:49:19] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1046; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:19] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - RUS [12/15/13,21:49:19] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1049; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:19] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - SVE [12/15/13,21:49:19] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1053; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:19] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - TRK [12/15/13,21:49:19] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1055; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:19] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - PTG [12/15/13,21:49:19] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\2070; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:19] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - CHS [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - CHT [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - DEU [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ESN [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - FRA [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ITA [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP (x64) - ??? [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - KOR [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ARA [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - CSY [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - DAN [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ELL [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - FIN [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - HEB [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - HUN [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - NLD [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - NOR [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - PLK [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - PTB [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - RUS [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - SVE [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - TRK [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - PTG [12/15/13,21:49:19] [12/15/13,21:49:19] !!Installation Summary [12/15/13,21:49:19] !!!TailorListForSetup() [12/15/13,21:49:19] Windows XP Service Pack 2 Update Information == [12/15/13,21:49:19] This component uses the RegDwordCheck version check method. It will compare a DWORD against registry data on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Windows; Value: CSDVersion. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Version on user's machine: 768. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Version to be installed: 512. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Windows XP Service Pack 2 Update Information == Component to be removed from installation list because a later version is on the machine. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Windows 2003 Server Service Pack 1 Update Information == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1 == [12/15/13,21:49:19] This component uses the FileVersionCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a file on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:19] The file to be verified is C:\WINDOWS\system32\msi.dll. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Version on user's machine: 3.1.4001.5512 [12/15/13,21:49:19] Version to be installed: 3.1.4000.2435 [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1 == Component to be removed from installation list because a later version is on the machine. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Windows Installer Patch Registration Fix for .NET Framework 3.5 (x86) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Windows Installer Patch Registration Fix for .NET Framework 3.5 (x64) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Windows Installer Patch Registration Fix for .NET Framework 3.5 (IA64) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] RGB Rast == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] RGB Rast x64 == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] MSXML 6.0 Parser == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] MSXML 6.0 Parser x64 == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] WIC Installer == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] WIC x64 Installer == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0a == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0a x64 == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] XPSEPSC Installer == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] XPSEPSC x64 Installer == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SP2 x86 == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SP2 x64 == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Optional Component 'Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0' == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Optional Component 'Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0 (x64)' == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Optional Component 'Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0 (ia64)' == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0SP1 (CBS) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0SP1 (x64) (CBS) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0SP1 (CBS) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0SP1 (x64) (CBS) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 (ia64) (CBS) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 (ia64) (CBS) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 'package' == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (x64) 'package' == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (ia64) 'package' == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Package == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 English Standalone Language Pack (CBS) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 English Standalone Language Pack (CBS) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 English Standalone Language Pack x64 (CBS) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 English Standalone Language Pack x64 (CBS) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - CHS == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - CHT == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - DEU == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ESN == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - FRA == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ITA == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ??? == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - KOR == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ARA == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - CSY == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - DAN == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ELL == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - FIN == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - HEB == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - HUN == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - NLD == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - NOR == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - PLK == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - PTB == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - RUS == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - SVE == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - TRK == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - PTG == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - CHS == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - CHT == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - DEU == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ESN == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - FRA == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ITA == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP (x64) - ??? == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - KOR == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ARA == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - CSY == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - DAN == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ELL == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - FIN == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - HEB == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - HUN == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - NLD == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - NOR == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - PLK == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - PTB == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - RUS == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - SVE == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - TRK == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - PTG == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:19] [12/15/13,21:49:19] !!!Components to be installed: [12/15/13,21:49:19] [12/15/13,21:49:19] End DepCheck Data session [12/15/13,21:49:19] =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= [12/15/13,21:49:19] !Begin DepCheck Data session : VSCompsToInstall() [12/15/13,21:49:19] !!DataFile Summary [12/15/13,21:49:19] Component Data File: d:\e8700c60ff64faf1f2\baseline.dat [12/15/13,21:49:19] Dependency File: d:\e8700c60ff64faf1f2\vs_setup.pdi [12/15/13,21:49:19] Product to install: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 [12/15/13,21:49:19] Component Set: 128 [12/15/13,21:49:20] [12/15/13,21:49:20] !!Component Version Summary [12/15/13,21:49:20] Windows XP Service Pack 2 Update Information [12/15/13,21:49:20] Windows 2003 Server Service Pack 1 Update Information [12/15/13,21:49:20] Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1 [12/15/13,21:49:20] Windows Installer Patch Registration Fix for .NET Framework 3.5 (x86) [12/15/13,21:49:20] Windows Installer Patch Registration Fix for .NET Framework 3.5 (x64) [12/15/13,21:49:20] Windows Installer Patch Registration Fix for .NET Framework 3.5 (IA64) [12/15/13,21:49:20] RGB Rast [12/15/13,21:49:20] RGB Rast x64 [12/15/13,21:49:20] MSXML 6.0 Parser [12/15/13,21:49:20] MSXML 6.0 Parser x64 [12/15/13,21:49:20] WIC Installer [12/15/13,21:49:20] WIC x64 Installer [12/15/13,21:49:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0a [12/15/13,21:49:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0a x64 [12/15/13,21:49:20] XPSEPSC Installer [12/15/13,21:49:20] XPSEPSC x64 Installer [12/15/13,21:49:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SP2 x86 [12/15/13,21:49:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SP2 x64 [12/15/13,21:49:20] Optional Component 'Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0' [12/15/13,21:49:20] Optional Component 'Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0 (x64)' [12/15/13,21:49:20] Optional Component 'Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0 (ia64)' [12/15/13,21:49:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0SP1 (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0SP1 (x64) (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0SP1 (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0SP1 (x64) (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 (ia64) (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 (ia64) (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 'package' [12/15/13,21:49:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (x64) 'package' [12/15/13,21:49:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (ia64) 'package' [12/15/13,21:49:20] .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Package [12/15/13,21:49:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 English Standalone Language Pack (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 English Standalone Language Pack (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 English Standalone Language Pack x64 (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 English Standalone Language Pack x64 (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - CHS [12/15/13,21:49:20] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:20] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\2052; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:20] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:20] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - CHT [12/15/13,21:49:20] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:20] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1028; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:20] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:20] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - DEU [12/15/13,21:49:20] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:20] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1031; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:20] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:20] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ESN [12/15/13,21:49:20] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:20] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\3082; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:20] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:20] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - FRA [12/15/13,21:49:20] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:20] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1036; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:20] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:20] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ITA [12/15/13,21:49:20] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:20] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1040; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:20] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:20] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ??? [12/15/13,21:49:20] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:20] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1041; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:20] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:20] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - KOR [12/15/13,21:49:20] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:20] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1042; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:20] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:20] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ARA [12/15/13,21:49:20] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:20] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1025; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:20] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:20] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - CSY [12/15/13,21:49:20] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:20] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1029; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:20] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:20] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - DAN [12/15/13,21:49:20] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:20] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1030; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:20] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:20] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ELL [12/15/13,21:49:20] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:20] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1032; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:20] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:20] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - FIN [12/15/13,21:49:20] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:20] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1035; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:20] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:20] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - HEB [12/15/13,21:49:20] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:20] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1037; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:20] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:20] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - HUN [12/15/13,21:49:20] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:20] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1038; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:20] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:20] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - NLD [12/15/13,21:49:20] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:20] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1043; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:20] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:20] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - NOR [12/15/13,21:49:20] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:20] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1044; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:20] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:20] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - PLK [12/15/13,21:49:20] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:20] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1045; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:20] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:20] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - PTB [12/15/13,21:49:20] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:20] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1046; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:20] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:20] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - RUS [12/15/13,21:49:20] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:20] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1049; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:20] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:20] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - SVE [12/15/13,21:49:20] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:20] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1053; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:20] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:20] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - TRK [12/15/13,21:49:20] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:20] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1055; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:20] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:20] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - PTG [12/15/13,21:49:20] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:20] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\2070; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:20] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:20] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - CHS [12/15/13,21:49:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - CHT [12/15/13,21:49:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - DEU [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ESN [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - FRA [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ITA [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP (x64) - ??? [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - KOR [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ARA [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - CSY [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - DAN [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ELL [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - FIN [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - HEB [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - HUN [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - NLD [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - NOR [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - PLK [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - PTB [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - RUS [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - SVE [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - TRK [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - PTG [12/15/13,21:49:21] [12/15/13,21:49:21] !!Installation Summary [12/15/13,21:49:21] !!!TailorListForSetup() [12/15/13,21:49:21] Windows XP Service Pack 2 Update Information == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Windows 2003 Server Service Pack 1 Update Information == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1 == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Windows Installer Patch Registration Fix for .NET Framework 3.5 (x86) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Windows Installer Patch Registration Fix for .NET Framework 3.5 (x64) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Windows Installer Patch Registration Fix for .NET Framework 3.5 (IA64) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] RGB Rast == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] RGB Rast x64 == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] MSXML 6.0 Parser == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] MSXML 6.0 Parser x64 == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] WIC Installer == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] WIC x64 Installer == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0a == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0a x64 == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] XPSEPSC Installer == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] XPSEPSC x64 Installer == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SP2 x86 == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SP2 x64 == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Optional Component 'Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0' == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Optional Component 'Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0 (x64)' == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Optional Component 'Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0 (ia64)' == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0SP1 (CBS) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0SP1 (x64) (CBS) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0SP1 (CBS) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0SP1 (x64) (CBS) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 (ia64) (CBS) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 (ia64) (CBS) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 'package' == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (x64) 'package' == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (ia64) 'package' == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Package == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 English Standalone Language Pack (CBS) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 English Standalone Language Pack (CBS) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 English Standalone Language Pack x64 (CBS) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 English Standalone Language Pack x64 (CBS) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - CHS == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - CHT == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - DEU == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ESN == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - FRA == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ITA == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ??? == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - KOR == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ARA == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - CSY == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - DAN == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ELL == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - FIN == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - HEB == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - HUN == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - NLD == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - NOR == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - PLK == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - PTB == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - RUS == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - SVE == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - TRK == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - PTG == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - CHS == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - CHT == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - DEU == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ESN == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - FRA == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ITA == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP (x64) - ??? == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - KOR == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ARA == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - CSY == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - DAN == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ELL == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - FIN == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - HEB == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - HUN == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - NLD == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - NOR == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - PLK == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - PTB == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - RUS == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - SVE == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - TRK == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - PTG == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:21] [12/15/13,21:49:21] !!!Components to be installed: [12/15/13,21:49:21] [12/15/13,21:49:21] End DepCheck Data session [12/15/13,21:49:23] =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= [12/15/13,21:49:23] !Begin DepCheck Data session : VSCompsToInstall() [12/15/13,21:49:23] !!DataFile Summary [12/15/13,21:49:23] Component Data File: d:\e8700c60ff64faf1f2\baseline.dat [12/15/13,21:49:23] Dependency File: d:\e8700c60ff64faf1f2\vs_setup.pdi [12/15/13,21:49:23] Product to install: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 [12/15/13,21:49:23] Component Set: 31 [12/15/13,21:49:23] [12/15/13,21:49:23] !!Component Version Summary [12/15/13,21:49:23] Windows XP Service Pack 2 Update Information [12/15/13,21:49:23] Windows 2003 Server Service Pack 1 Update Information [12/15/13,21:49:23] Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1 [12/15/13,21:49:23] Windows Installer Patch Registration Fix for .NET Framework 3.5 (x86) [12/15/13,21:49:23] Windows Installer Patch Registration Fix for .NET Framework 3.5 (x64) [12/15/13,21:49:23] Windows Installer Patch Registration Fix for .NET Framework 3.5 (IA64) [12/15/13,21:49:23] RGB Rast [12/15/13,21:49:23] RGB Rast x64 [12/15/13,21:49:23] MSXML 6.0 Parser [12/15/13,21:49:23] MSXML 6.0 Parser x64 [12/15/13,21:49:23] WIC Installer [12/15/13,21:49:23] WIC x64 Installer [12/15/13,21:49:23] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0a [12/15/13,21:49:23] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0a x64 [12/15/13,21:49:23] XPSEPSC Installer [12/15/13,21:49:23] XPSEPSC x64 Installer [12/15/13,21:49:23] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SP2 x86 [12/15/13,21:49:23] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SP2 x64 [12/15/13,21:49:23] Optional Component 'Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0' [12/15/13,21:49:23] Optional Component 'Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0 (x64)' [12/15/13,21:49:23] Optional Component 'Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0 (ia64)' [12/15/13,21:49:23] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0SP1 (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:23] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0SP1 (x64) (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:23] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0SP1 (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:23] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0SP1 (x64) (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:23] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 (ia64) (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:23] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 (ia64) (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:23] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 'package' [12/15/13,21:49:23] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (x64) 'package' [12/15/13,21:49:23] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (ia64) 'package' [12/15/13,21:49:23] .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Package [12/15/13,21:49:23] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 English Standalone Language Pack (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:23] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 English Standalone Language Pack (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:23] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 English Standalone Language Pack x64 (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:23] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 English Standalone Language Pack x64 (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:23] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - CHS [12/15/13,21:49:23] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:23] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\2052; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:23] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:23] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:23] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - CHT [12/15/13,21:49:23] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:23] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1028; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:23] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:23] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:23] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - DEU [12/15/13,21:49:23] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:23] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1031; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:23] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:23] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:23] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ESN [12/15/13,21:49:23] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:23] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\3082; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:23] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:23] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:23] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - FRA [12/15/13,21:49:23] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:23] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1036; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:23] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:23] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:23] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ITA [12/15/13,21:49:23] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:23] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1040; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:23] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:23] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:23] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ??? [12/15/13,21:49:23] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:23] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1041; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:23] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:23] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:23] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - KOR [12/15/13,21:49:23] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:23] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1042; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:23] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:24] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:24] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ARA [12/15/13,21:49:24] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:24] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1025; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:24] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:24] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:24] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - CSY [12/15/13,21:49:24] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:24] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1029; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:24] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:24] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:24] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - DAN [12/15/13,21:49:24] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:24] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1030; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:24] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:24] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:24] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ELL [12/15/13,21:49:24] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:24] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1032; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:24] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:24] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:24] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - FIN [12/15/13,21:49:24] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:24] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1035; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:24] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:24] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:24] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - HEB [12/15/13,21:49:24] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:24] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1037; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:24] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:24] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:24] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - HUN [12/15/13,21:49:24] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:24] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1038; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:24] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:24] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:24] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - NLD [12/15/13,21:49:24] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:24] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1043; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:24] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:24] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:24] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - NOR [12/15/13,21:49:24] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:24] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1044; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:24] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:24] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:24] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - PLK [12/15/13,21:49:24] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:24] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1045; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:24] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:24] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:24] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - PTB [12/15/13,21:49:24] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:24] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1046; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:24] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:24] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:24] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - RUS [12/15/13,21:49:24] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:24] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1049; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:24] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:24] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:24] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - SVE [12/15/13,21:49:24] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:24] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1053; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:24] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:24] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:24] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - TRK [12/15/13,21:49:24] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:24] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1055; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:24] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:24] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:24] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - PTG [12/15/13,21:49:24] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:24] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\2070; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:24] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:24] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:24] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - CHS [12/15/13,21:49:24] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - CHT [12/15/13,21:49:24] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - DEU [12/15/13,21:49:24] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ESN [12/15/13,21:49:24] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - FRA [12/15/13,21:49:24] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ITA [12/15/13,21:49:24] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP (x64) - ??? [12/15/13,21:49:24] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - KOR [12/15/13,21:49:24] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ARA [12/15/13,21:49:24] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - CSY [12/15/13,21:49:24] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - DAN [12/15/13,21:49:24] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ELL [12/15/13,21:49:24] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - FIN [12/15/13,21:49:24] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - HEB [12/15/13,21:49:24] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - HUN [12/15/13,21:49:24] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - NLD [12/15/13,21:49:24] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - NOR [12/15/13,21:49:24] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - PLK [12/15/13,21:49:24] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - PTB [12/15/13,21:49:24] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - RUS [12/15/13,21:49:24] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - SVE [12/15/13,21:49:24] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - TRK [12/15/13,21:49:24] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - PTG [12/15/13,21:49:24] [12/15/13,21:49:24] !!Installation Summary [12/15/13,21:49:24] !!!TailorListForSetup() [12/15/13,21:49:24] Windows XP Service Pack 2 Update Information == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:24] Windows 2003 Server Service Pack 1 Update Information == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:24] Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1 == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:24] Windows Installer Patch Registration Fix for .NET Framework 3.5 (x86) == [12/15/13,21:49:24] Windows Installer Patch Registration Fix for .NET Framework 3.5 (x86) == Component to be installed. [12/15/13,21:49:24] Windows Installer Patch Registration Fix for .NET Framework 3.5 (x64) == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:24] Windows Installer Patch Registration Fix for .NET Framework 3.5 (IA64) == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:24] RGB Rast == [12/15/13,21:49:24] This component uses the FileVersionCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a file on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:24] The file to be verified is C:\WINDOWS\system32\rgb9rast_2.dll. [12/15/13,21:49:24] Version on user's machine: 9.15.735.0 [12/15/13,21:49:24] Version to be installed: 9.15.735.0 [12/15/13,21:49:24] RGB Rast == Component to be removed from installation list because a later version is on the machine. [12/15/13,21:49:24] RGB Rast x64 == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:24] MSXML 6.0 Parser == [12/15/13,21:49:24] This component uses the FileVersionCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a file on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:24] The file to be verified is C:\WINDOWS\system32\msxml6.dll. [12/15/13,21:49:24] Version on user's machine: 6.20.2502.0 [12/15/13,21:49:24] Version to be installed: 6.0.3888.0 [12/15/13,21:49:24] MSXML 6.0 Parser == Component to be removed from installation list because a later version is on the machine. [12/15/13,21:49:24] MSXML 6.0 Parser x64 == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:24] WIC Installer == [12/15/13,21:49:24] This component uses the FileVersionCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a file on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:25] The file to be verified is C:\WINDOWS\system32\windowscodecs.dll. [12/15/13,21:49:25] Version on user's machine: 6.0.6001.17009 [12/15/13,21:49:25] Version to be installed: 6.0.5840.16388 [12/15/13,21:49:25] WIC Installer == Component to be removed from installation list because a later version is on the machine. [12/15/13,21:49:25] WIC x64 Installer == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0a == [12/15/13,21:49:25] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:25] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v2.0.50727; Value: Version; Version: 2.2.30729. [12/15/13,21:49:25] Version on user's machine: 2.2.30729 [12/15/13,21:49:25] Version to be installed: 2.2.30729 [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0a == Component to be removed from installation list because a later version is on the machine. [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0a x64 == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] XPSEPSC Installer == [12/15/13,21:49:25] This component uses the FileVersionCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a file on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:25] The file to be verified is C:\WINDOWS\system32\prntvpt.dll. [12/15/13,21:49:25] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:25] Version to be installed: 6.1.2600.5635 [12/15/13,21:49:25] XPSEPSC Installer == Component to be installed. [12/15/13,21:49:25] XPSEPSC x64 Installer == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SP2 x86 == [12/15/13,21:49:25] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:25] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.0; Value: Version; Version: 3.2.30729. [12/15/13,21:49:25] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:25] Version to be installed: 3.2.30729 [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SP2 x86 == Component to be installed. [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SP2 x64 == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Optional Component 'Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0' == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Optional Component 'Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0 (x64)' == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Optional Component 'Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0 (ia64)' == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0SP1 (CBS) == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0SP1 (x64) (CBS) == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0SP1 (CBS) == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0SP1 (x64) (CBS) == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 (ia64) (CBS) == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 (ia64) (CBS) == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 'package' == [12/15/13,21:49:25] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:25] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:25] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:25] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 'package' == Component to be installed. [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (x64) 'package' == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (ia64) 'package' == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Package == [12/15/13,21:49:25] .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Package == [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 English Standalone Language Pack (CBS) == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 English Standalone Language Pack (CBS) == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 English Standalone Language Pack x64 (CBS) == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 English Standalone Language Pack x64 (CBS) == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - CHS == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - CHT == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - DEU == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ESN == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - FRA == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ITA == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ??? == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - KOR == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ARA == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - CSY == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - DAN == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ELL == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - FIN == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - HEB == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - HUN == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - NLD == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - NOR == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - PLK == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - PTB == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - RUS == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - SVE == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - TRK == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - PTG == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - CHS == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - CHT == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - DEU == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ESN == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - FRA == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ITA == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP (x64) - ??? == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - KOR == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ARA == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - CSY == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - DAN == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ELL == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - FIN == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - HEB == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - HUN == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - NLD == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - NOR == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - PLK == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - PTB == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - RUS == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - SVE == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - TRK == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - PTG == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:25] [12/15/13,21:49:25] !!!Components to be installed: [12/15/13,21:49:25] gencomp215 ( Windows Installer Patch Registration Fix for .NET Framework 3.5 (x86) ) [12/15/13,21:49:25] gencomp211 ( XPSEPSC Installer ) [12/15/13,21:49:25] gencomp780,{12CDA52C-7A8F-4785-8A22-53C87393FEE0} ( Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SP2 x86 ) [12/15/13,21:49:25] gencomp301,{12CDA52C-7A8F-4785-8A22-53C87393FEE0} ( Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 'package' ) [12/15/13,21:49:25] vs_setup.dll ( .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Package ) [12/15/13,21:49:25] [12/15/13,21:49:25] End DepCheck Data session [12/15/13,21:49:25] =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= [12/15/13,21:49:25] !Begin DepCheck Data session : VSCompsToInstall() [12/15/13,21:49:25] !!DataFile Summary [12/15/13,21:49:25] Component Data File: d:\e8700c60ff64faf1f2\baseline.dat [12/15/13,21:49:25] Dependency File: d:\e8700c60ff64faf1f2\vs_setup.pdi [12/15/13,21:49:25] Product to install: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 [12/15/13,21:49:25] Component Set: 1 [12/15/13,21:49:25] [12/15/13,21:49:25] !!Component Version Summary [12/15/13,21:49:25] Windows XP Service Pack 2 Update Information [12/15/13,21:49:25] Windows 2003 Server Service Pack 1 Update Information [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1 [12/15/13,21:49:25] Windows Installer Patch Registration Fix for .NET Framework 3.5 (x86) [12/15/13,21:49:25] Windows Installer Patch Registration Fix for .NET Framework 3.5 (x64) [12/15/13,21:49:25] Windows Installer Patch Registration Fix for .NET Framework 3.5 (IA64) [12/15/13,21:49:25] RGB Rast [12/15/13,21:49:25] RGB Rast x64 [12/15/13,21:49:25] MSXML 6.0 Parser [12/15/13,21:49:25] MSXML 6.0 Parser x64 [12/15/13,21:49:25] WIC Installer [12/15/13,21:49:25] WIC x64 Installer [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0a [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0a x64 [12/15/13,21:49:25] XPSEPSC Installer [12/15/13,21:49:25] XPSEPSC x64 Installer [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SP2 x86 [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SP2 x64 [12/15/13,21:49:25] Optional Component 'Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0' [12/15/13,21:49:25] Optional Component 'Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0 (x64)' [12/15/13,21:49:25] Optional Component 'Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0 (ia64)' [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0SP1 (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0SP1 (x64) (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0SP1 (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0SP1 (x64) (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 (ia64) (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 (ia64) (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 'package' [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (x64) 'package' [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (ia64) 'package' [12/15/13,21:49:25] .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Package [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 English Standalone Language Pack (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 English Standalone Language Pack (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 English Standalone Language Pack x64 (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 English Standalone Language Pack x64 (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - CHS [12/15/13,21:49:25] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:25] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\2052; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:25] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:25] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - CHT [12/15/13,21:49:25] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:25] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1028; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:25] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:25] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - DEU [12/15/13,21:49:25] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:25] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1031; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:25] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:25] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ESN [12/15/13,21:49:25] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:25] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\3082; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:25] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:25] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - FRA [12/15/13,21:49:25] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:25] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1036; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:25] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:25] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ITA [12/15/13,21:49:25] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:25] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1040; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:25] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:25] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ??? [12/15/13,21:49:25] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:25] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1041; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:25] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:25] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - KOR [12/15/13,21:49:25] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:25] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1042; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:25] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:25] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:25] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ARA [12/15/13,21:49:26] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1025; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:26] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - CSY [12/15/13,21:49:26] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1029; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:26] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - DAN [12/15/13,21:49:26] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1030; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:26] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ELL [12/15/13,21:49:26] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1032; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:26] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - FIN [12/15/13,21:49:26] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1035; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:26] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - HEB [12/15/13,21:49:26] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1037; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:26] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - HUN [12/15/13,21:49:26] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1038; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:26] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - NLD [12/15/13,21:49:26] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1043; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:26] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - NOR [12/15/13,21:49:26] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1044; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:26] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - PLK [12/15/13,21:49:26] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1045; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:26] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - PTB [12/15/13,21:49:26] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1046; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:26] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - RUS [12/15/13,21:49:26] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1049; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:26] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - SVE [12/15/13,21:49:26] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1053; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:26] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - TRK [12/15/13,21:49:26] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1055; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:26] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - PTG [12/15/13,21:49:26] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\2070; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:26] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - CHS [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - CHT [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - DEU [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ESN [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - FRA [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ITA [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP (x64) - ??? [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - KOR [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ARA [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - CSY [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - DAN [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ELL [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - FIN [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - HEB [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - HUN [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - NLD [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - NOR [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - PLK [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - PTB [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - RUS [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - SVE [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - TRK [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - PTG [12/15/13,21:49:26] [12/15/13,21:49:26] !!Installation Summary [12/15/13,21:49:26] !!!TailorListForSetup() [12/15/13,21:49:26] Windows XP Service Pack 2 Update Information == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Windows 2003 Server Service Pack 1 Update Information == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1 == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Windows Installer Patch Registration Fix for .NET Framework 3.5 (x86) == [12/15/13,21:49:26] Windows Installer Patch Registration Fix for .NET Framework 3.5 (x86) == Component to be installed. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Windows Installer Patch Registration Fix for .NET Framework 3.5 (x64) == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:26] Windows Installer Patch Registration Fix for .NET Framework 3.5 (IA64) == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:26] RGB Rast == [12/15/13,21:49:26] This component uses the FileVersionCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a file on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:26] The file to be verified is C:\WINDOWS\system32\rgb9rast_2.dll. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Version on user's machine: 9.15.735.0 [12/15/13,21:49:26] Version to be installed: 9.15.735.0 [12/15/13,21:49:26] RGB Rast == Component to be removed from installation list because a later version is on the machine. [12/15/13,21:49:26] RGB Rast x64 == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:26] MSXML 6.0 Parser == [12/15/13,21:49:26] This component uses the FileVersionCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a file on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:26] The file to be verified is C:\WINDOWS\system32\msxml6.dll. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Version on user's machine: 6.20.2502.0 [12/15/13,21:49:26] Version to be installed: 6.0.3888.0 [12/15/13,21:49:26] MSXML 6.0 Parser == Component to be removed from installation list because a later version is on the machine. [12/15/13,21:49:26] MSXML 6.0 Parser x64 == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:26] WIC Installer == [12/15/13,21:49:26] This component uses the FileVersionCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a file on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:26] The file to be verified is C:\WINDOWS\system32\windowscodecs.dll. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Version on user's machine: 6.0.6001.17009 [12/15/13,21:49:26] Version to be installed: 6.0.5840.16388 [12/15/13,21:49:26] WIC Installer == Component to be removed from installation list because a later version is on the machine. [12/15/13,21:49:26] WIC x64 Installer == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0a == [12/15/13,21:49:26] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v2.0.50727; Value: Version; Version: 2.2.30729. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Version on user's machine: 2.2.30729 [12/15/13,21:49:26] Version to be installed: 2.2.30729 [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0a == Component to be removed from installation list because a later version is on the machine. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0a x64 == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:26] XPSEPSC Installer == [12/15/13,21:49:26] This component uses the FileVersionCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a file on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:26] The file to be verified is C:\WINDOWS\system32\prntvpt.dll. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:26] Version to be installed: 6.1.2600.5635 [12/15/13,21:49:26] XPSEPSC Installer == Component to be installed. [12/15/13,21:49:26] XPSEPSC x64 Installer == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SP2 x86 == [12/15/13,21:49:26] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.0; Value: Version; Version: 3.2.30729. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:26] Version to be installed: 3.2.30729 [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SP2 x86 == Component to be installed. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SP2 x64 == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:26] Optional Component 'Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0' == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:26] Optional Component 'Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0 (x64)' == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:26] Optional Component 'Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0 (ia64)' == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0SP1 (CBS) == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0SP1 (x64) (CBS) == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0SP1 (CBS) == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0SP1 (x64) (CBS) == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 (ia64) (CBS) == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 (ia64) (CBS) == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 'package' == [12/15/13,21:49:26] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:26] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 'package' == Component to be installed. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (x64) 'package' == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (ia64) 'package' == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:26] .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Package == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 English Standalone Language Pack (CBS) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 English Standalone Language Pack (CBS) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 English Standalone Language Pack x64 (CBS) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 English Standalone Language Pack x64 (CBS) == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - CHS == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - CHT == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - DEU == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ESN == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - FRA == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ITA == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ??? == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - KOR == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ARA == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - CSY == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - DAN == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ELL == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - FIN == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - HEB == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - HUN == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - NLD == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - NOR == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - PLK == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - PTB == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - RUS == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - SVE == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - TRK == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - PTG == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - CHS == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - CHT == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - DEU == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ESN == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - FRA == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ITA == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP (x64) - ??? == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - KOR == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ARA == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - CSY == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - DAN == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ELL == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - FIN == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - HEB == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - HUN == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - NLD == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - NOR == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - PLK == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - PTB == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - RUS == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - SVE == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - TRK == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - PTG == Component to be removed from list as it does not match requested set. [12/15/13,21:49:26] [12/15/13,21:49:26] !!!Components to be installed: [12/15/13,21:49:26] gencomp215 ( Windows Installer Patch Registration Fix for .NET Framework 3.5 (x86) ) [12/15/13,21:49:26] gencomp211 ( XPSEPSC Installer ) [12/15/13,21:49:26] gencomp780,{12CDA52C-7A8F-4785-8A22-53C87393FEE0} ( Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SP2 x86 ) [12/15/13,21:49:26] gencomp301,{12CDA52C-7A8F-4785-8A22-53C87393FEE0} ( Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 'package' ) [12/15/13,21:49:26] [12/15/13,21:49:26] End DepCheck Data session [12/15/13,21:49:27] =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= [12/15/13,21:49:27] !Begin DepCheck Data session : VSCompsAlreadyInstalled() [12/15/13,21:49:27] !!DataFile Summary [12/15/13,21:49:27] Component Data File: d:\e8700c60ff64faf1f2\baseline.dat [12/15/13,21:49:27] Dependency File: d:\e8700c60ff64faf1f2\vs_setup.pdi [12/15/13,21:49:27] Product to install: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 [12/15/13,21:49:27] [12/15/13,21:49:27] !!Component Version Summary [12/15/13,21:49:27] Windows XP Service Pack 2 Update Information [12/15/13,21:49:27] Windows 2003 Server Service Pack 1 Update Information [12/15/13,21:49:27] Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1 [12/15/13,21:49:27] Windows Installer Patch Registration Fix for .NET Framework 3.5 (x86) [12/15/13,21:49:27] Windows Installer Patch Registration Fix for .NET Framework 3.5 (x64) [12/15/13,21:49:27] Windows Installer Patch Registration Fix for .NET Framework 3.5 (IA64) [12/15/13,21:49:27] RGB Rast [12/15/13,21:49:27] RGB Rast x64 [12/15/13,21:49:27] MSXML 6.0 Parser [12/15/13,21:49:27] MSXML 6.0 Parser x64 [12/15/13,21:49:27] WIC Installer [12/15/13,21:49:27] WIC x64 Installer [12/15/13,21:49:27] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0a [12/15/13,21:49:27] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0a x64 [12/15/13,21:49:27] XPSEPSC Installer [12/15/13,21:49:27] XPSEPSC x64 Installer [12/15/13,21:49:27] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SP2 x86 [12/15/13,21:49:27] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SP2 x64 [12/15/13,21:49:27] Optional Component 'Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0' [12/15/13,21:49:27] Optional Component 'Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0 (x64)' [12/15/13,21:49:27] Optional Component 'Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0 (ia64)' [12/15/13,21:49:27] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0SP1 (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:27] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0SP1 (x64) (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:27] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0SP1 (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:27] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0SP1 (x64) (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:27] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 (ia64) (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:27] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 (ia64) (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:27] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 'package' [12/15/13,21:49:27] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (x64) 'package' [12/15/13,21:49:27] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (ia64) 'package' [12/15/13,21:49:27] .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Package [12/15/13,21:49:27] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 English Standalone Language Pack (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:27] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 English Standalone Language Pack (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:27] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 English Standalone Language Pack x64 (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:27] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 English Standalone Language Pack x64 (CBS) [12/15/13,21:49:27] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - CHS [12/15/13,21:49:27] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:27] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\2052; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:27] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:27] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:27] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - CHT [12/15/13,21:49:27] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:27] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1028; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:27] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:27] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:27] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - DEU [12/15/13,21:49:27] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:27] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1031; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:27] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:27] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:27] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ESN [12/15/13,21:49:27] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:27] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\3082; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:27] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:27] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:27] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - FRA [12/15/13,21:49:27] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:27] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1036; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:27] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:27] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:27] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ITA [12/15/13,21:49:27] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:27] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1040; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:27] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:27] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:27] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ??? [12/15/13,21:49:27] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:27] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1041; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:27] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:27] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:27] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - KOR [12/15/13,21:49:27] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:27] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1042; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:27] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:27] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:27] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ARA [12/15/13,21:49:27] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:27] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1025; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:27] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:27] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:27] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - CSY [12/15/13,21:49:27] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:27] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1029; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:27] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:27] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:27] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - DAN [12/15/13,21:49:27] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:27] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1030; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:27] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:27] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:27] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ELL [12/15/13,21:49:27] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:27] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1032; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:27] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:27] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:27] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - FIN [12/15/13,21:49:27] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:27] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1035; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:27] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:27] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:27] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - HEB [12/15/13,21:49:27] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:27] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1037; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:27] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:27] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:27] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - HUN [12/15/13,21:49:28] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:28] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1038; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:28] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:28] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - NLD [12/15/13,21:49:28] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:28] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1043; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:28] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:28] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - NOR [12/15/13,21:49:28] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:28] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1044; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:28] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:28] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - PLK [12/15/13,21:49:28] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:28] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1045; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:28] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:28] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - PTB [12/15/13,21:49:28] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:28] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1046; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:28] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:28] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - RUS [12/15/13,21:49:28] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:28] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1049; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:28] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:28] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - SVE [12/15/13,21:49:28] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:28] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1053; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:28] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:28] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - TRK [12/15/13,21:49:28] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:28] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\1055; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:28] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:28] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - PTG [12/15/13,21:49:28] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:28] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5\2070; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:28] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:28] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - CHS [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - CHT [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - DEU [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ESN [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - FRA [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ITA [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP (x64) - ??? [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - KOR [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ARA [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - CSY [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - DAN [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ELL [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - FIN [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - HEB [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - HUN [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - NLD [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - NOR [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - PLK [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - PTB [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - RUS [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - SVE [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - TRK [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - PTG [12/15/13,21:49:28] [12/15/13,21:49:28] !!Installation Summary [12/15/13,21:49:28] !!!TailorListForAlreadyInstalled() [12/15/13,21:49:28] Windows XP Service Pack 2 Update Information == [12/15/13,21:49:28] This component uses the RegDwordCheck version check method. It will compare a DWORD against registry data on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:28] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Windows; Value: CSDVersion. [12/15/13,21:49:28] Version on user's machine: 768. [12/15/13,21:49:28] Version to be installed: 512. [12/15/13,21:49:28] Windows XP Service Pack 2 Update Information == Later version or equal version of the component is on the machine. [12/15/13,21:49:28] Windows 2003 Server Service Pack 1 Update Information == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1 == [12/15/13,21:49:28] This component uses the FileVersionCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a file on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:28] The file to be verified is C:\WINDOWS\system32\msi.dll. [12/15/13,21:49:28] Version on user's machine: 3.1.4001.5512 [12/15/13,21:49:28] Version to be installed: 3.1.4000.2435 [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1 == Later version or equal version of the component is on the machine. [12/15/13,21:49:28] Windows Installer Patch Registration Fix for .NET Framework 3.5 (x86) == [12/15/13,21:49:28] Windows Installer Patch Registration Fix for .NET Framework 3.5 (x86) == Component needs to be installed. [12/15/13,21:49:28] Windows Installer Patch Registration Fix for .NET Framework 3.5 (x64) == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Windows Installer Patch Registration Fix for .NET Framework 3.5 (IA64) == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] RGB Rast == [12/15/13,21:49:28] This component uses the FileVersionCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a file on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:28] The file to be verified is C:\WINDOWS\system32\rgb9rast_2.dll. [12/15/13,21:49:28] Version on user's machine: 9.15.735.0 [12/15/13,21:49:28] Version to be installed: 9.15.735.0 [12/15/13,21:49:28] RGB Rast == Later version or equal version of the component is on the machine. [12/15/13,21:49:28] RGB Rast x64 == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] MSXML 6.0 Parser == [12/15/13,21:49:28] This component uses the FileVersionCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a file on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:28] The file to be verified is C:\WINDOWS\system32\msxml6.dll. [12/15/13,21:49:28] Version on user's machine: 6.20.2502.0 [12/15/13,21:49:28] Version to be installed: 6.0.3888.0 [12/15/13,21:49:28] MSXML 6.0 Parser == Later version or equal version of the component is on the machine. [12/15/13,21:49:28] MSXML 6.0 Parser x64 == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] WIC Installer == [12/15/13,21:49:28] This component uses the FileVersionCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a file on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:28] The file to be verified is C:\WINDOWS\system32\windowscodecs.dll. [12/15/13,21:49:28] Version on user's machine: 6.0.6001.17009 [12/15/13,21:49:28] Version to be installed: 6.0.5840.16388 [12/15/13,21:49:28] WIC Installer == Later version or equal version of the component is on the machine. [12/15/13,21:49:28] WIC x64 Installer == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0a == [12/15/13,21:49:28] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:28] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v2.0.50727; Value: Version; Version: 2.2.30729. [12/15/13,21:49:28] Version on user's machine: 2.2.30729 [12/15/13,21:49:28] Version to be installed: 2.2.30729 [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0a == Later version or equal version of the component is on the machine. [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0a x64 == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] XPSEPSC Installer == [12/15/13,21:49:28] This component uses the FileVersionCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a file on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:28] The file to be verified is C:\WINDOWS\system32\prntvpt.dll. [12/15/13,21:49:28] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:28] Version to be installed: 6.1.2600.5635 [12/15/13,21:49:28] XPSEPSC Installer == Component needs to be installed. [12/15/13,21:49:28] XPSEPSC x64 Installer == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SP2 x86 == [12/15/13,21:49:28] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:28] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.0; Value: Version; Version: 3.2.30729. [12/15/13,21:49:28] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:28] Version to be installed: 3.2.30729 [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SP2 x86 == Component needs to be installed. [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SP2 x64 == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Optional Component 'Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0' == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Optional Component 'Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0 (x64)' == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Optional Component 'Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0 (ia64)' == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0SP1 (CBS) == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0SP1 (x64) (CBS) == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0SP1 (CBS) == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0SP1 (x64) (CBS) == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 (ia64) (CBS) == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 (ia64) (CBS) == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 'package' == [12/15/13,21:49:28] This component uses the FileRegVerCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a regkey on your machine. [12/15/13,21:49:28] Registry key being interrogated: HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5; Value: Version; Version: 3.5.30729.01. [12/15/13,21:49:28] Version on user's machine: [12/15/13,21:49:28] Version to be installed: 3.5.30729.01 [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 'package' == Component needs to be installed. [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (x64) 'package' == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (ia64) 'package' == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Package == [12/15/13,21:49:28] .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Package == [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 English Standalone Language Pack (CBS) == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 English Standalone Language Pack (CBS) == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 English Standalone Language Pack x64 (CBS) == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 English Standalone Language Pack x64 (CBS) == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - CHS == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - CHT == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - DEU == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ESN == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - FRA == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ITA == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ??? == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - KOR == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ARA == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - CSY == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - DAN == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - ELL == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - FIN == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - HEB == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - HUN == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - NLD == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - NOR == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - PLK == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - PTB == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - RUS == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - SVE == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - TRK == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP - PTG == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - CHS == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - CHT == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - DEU == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ESN == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - FRA == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ITA == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP (x64) - ??? == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - KOR == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ARA == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - CSY == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - DAN == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - ELL == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - FIN == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - HEB == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - HUN == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - NLD == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - NOR == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - PLK == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - PTB == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - RUS == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - SVE == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - TRK == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5LP(x64) - PTG == Component to be removed from installation list because it is marked "not to be installed". [12/15/13,21:49:28] [12/15/13,21:49:28] !!!Components that are already installed: [12/15/13,21:49:28] gencomp715 ( Windows XP Service Pack 2 Update Information ) [12/15/13,21:49:28] gencomp790 ( Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1 ) [12/15/13,21:49:28] gencomp136,{12CDA52C-7A8F-4785-8A22-53C87393FEE0} ( RGB Rast ) [12/15/13,21:49:28] gencomp707,{12CDA52C-7A8F-4785-8A22-53C87393FEE0} ( MSXML 6.0 Parser ) [12/15/13,21:49:28] gencomp209 ( WIC Installer ) [12/15/13,21:49:28] gencomp760,{12CDA52C-7A8F-4785-8A22-53C87393FEE0} ( Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0a ) [12/15/13,21:49:28] [12/15/13,21:49:28] End DepCheck Data session [12/15/13,21:50:40] ================================================ [12/15/13,21:50:40] Begin Depchek Component session: gencomp211 [12/15/13,21:50:40] This component uses the FileVersionCheck version check method. It will compare a given version against the version of a file on your machine. [12/15/13,21:50:40] The file to be verified is C:\WINDOWS\system32\prntvpt.dll. [12/15/13,21:50:40] Version on user's machine: 6.1.2600.5635 [12/15/13,21:50:40] Version to be installed: 6.1.2600.5635 [12/15/13,21:50:40] This component is told to not ignore newer versions. [12/15/13,21:50:40] End. Component is installed